sweet nothings..~
Saturday, January 24, 2009
4:13 PM
say something! (0)

I saw our window opened, and saw this night view, so there.

It's blurr/daark here, but when you saw it personally~ it's really beautiful.
I was amazed~ so I pictured it =) the CITY LIGHTS.

It's already 2:30 in the morning, I just happend to woke/wake up because of my PET SOCIETY..hehe.

Anyway, it's really very quite in our apartment, the whole apartment I mean.
Ahmp, maybe I'm not used to it coz our old apartment was like NO ONE need to sleep.
and you'll heard someone singing and you could hear the music from their indoor habitat.
I just miss it.

It's really very cold in this time of year, so cold that you want to be burned,
lol, not literally ^^''
& since I have nothing else to do, I'm gonna tell you what happend yesterday.

In our MATH CLASS...

our teacher as usual was trying to teach and to dissolve to our minds that MATH is the basic calculation of life, oh what the hell, I was too busy solving the RUBIK'S CUBE. =__=
and our teacher asked us about this and that, suddenly she looked at me, so I replied w/ the unexpected answers (correct guesses) , and I got confused about my RuBIKS cube and for some reason, I counted it, too loud. =__=
and Unintentionally I wasn't thinking that we are still in class...
I was like " 1, 2, 4,3!~..ahh" looking at the cube & the board at the same time.

I stopped. when the whole class was staring at me, & our teacher decided to laugh about my performance,our teacher were like
--> *giggles* okaay.. (wrting on the board)..hehehehe..ahh..huhuhu *giggles* <---

Just to think of it~ it was really funny.,.then 4 few reasons, the whole class was too noisy~laughing their butts out and yeeaa I did smirk a little. i laughed, then I saw Diane laughed louder, and I laughed more, Isabel laughed the loudest~ then we stopped =__=

ahmmp..I have nothing more to say~
my goal this month is to solve that annoying RUBIKS CUBE, i swear !~