Wednesday, January 21, 2009
12:21 PM
say something! (0)
I will be busy this week or I think I will be ...hehehe..
ahmmp, anyway, today is okay daaay.
and I got irritated about those Rubik's cube =__=''
wherever you turn, the haunting cube puzzles are everywhere!
and my friend Isabel was solving the cube over and over again,
so, I tried to annoy her by getting her attention to teach me how to solve it ^___^'
and unfortunately, minute by minute I became so eager to learn how to
do it, and turns out, I became interested to it. and decided to
ask Sabel about borrowing it for the weekend...

so, yea..I will be busy alright =)

still need to learn the 2 layers =__='

I really like this song =)
especially the chorus.... please have the time to listen ^___^

akala - parokya ni edgar

AND DIANE happy trip ! =) take care take care !