Tuesday, December 30, 2008
7:10 PM
say something! (0)
Im starting to get paranoid again. ugh..My head ~~
How could this happend?!?!?!?! Im so frustrated w/ this ^8&%$@#!&*#@ cold!.. *sniffles**
you couldn't even count the tissues I've used...
School is starting 2 days time and Im still not prepared.
I caaant concentrate!!!!~~!! wHaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!

We still have this remaining quiz, and I dont know what the hell I was reading earlier about PASCAL, and something that involved force .....

Oh no!!! Im panicking again!!!!! ~~~~~

And I left my calculus book in school, *sigh**...

I'm always falling sick when the schooltime strikes after my long vacation, ugh! >_<
and I wasn't able to sleep properly because I kept sneezing all the time =__=''
Im so darn tired x__x~
And Im completely braindrained after seeing my Physics notebook.
Ugh, I have to be healed as soon as possible, AJA~!!!

I just can't afford to think so much now.
Studies is just so important you are left with no choice.

BoHOoooO. Im not in a good mood.