lol :))
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
1:58 PM
say something! (0)
So much to do so much to do!!!!!
seriously dhud. Im so so toast T____T
tomorrow is the deadline, & Im going crazy @_____@
okay.I have to remember this. Projects/act. to do:
-ENGLISh term paper (i already made it-but sum1 deleted my file from my USB)
-PHYSICS house
-FILIPINo complete test papers
-Compter questionnaire
-math notebook to be passed
-Computer project
-physics complete test papers
-Mapeh videos & music
This is so insane .. I swear not to play hide & seek tomorrow..
lol...We played hide & seek during lunch time, instead of doing my assignment..
Im so fickled sarcastic creature =_____=
okay. I gotta go.
& someone gave me a PAnda drawing today. its so cutee!~
Wish the camera was with me :))