How fast are u =)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
4:40 AM
say something! (0)
Before Im going to study for our mastery..I'm going to post tis for the last time..


was it just me, or did I say study? o__0

LOl..ahmmp..okay ^____^''

I typed 50 words per minute =)

50 words

SORRY IF IT IS A MESS, I kinda edited the borders and all that,
& there you go, what you see is what you get =___=
so, you know how I suck at editing.


my usual Wednesday.
3:56 AM
say something! (0)
yesterday, was our COnvocation day (deliberation of honors)..
ahmmp.. I I dont know~~ it just bored me, and kept asking Isabel to
play snake and LADDER ^___^
then for a moment, I look for my other friends but they have this faces of
satisfaction, so I didnt bother to ask them.
Minutes later, Isabel was too pissed because there were pupils singing,
that are not good for the ears..u know wat I mean ^^' (no offense intended)

but I find it- very funny.Im not good either, haha..I sing like a quacking duck..
seriously =__= but then saw Isabel, which btw I find her very cute for some reason, so I laughed while she's murmuring & all that, she have this report in ECO, so that's probably the reason for everything =)

Anyway, so finally, Sabel gave in and & we went to the classroom then canteen.
We discussed things and all that. =)

and play Snake and LAdder, steph and Raichelle, saw us & decided to join.

2 and a half hours later...

- they were practicing the dance for the incoming PROM, my classmates and the juniors.

-I didn't join because..hehe..I dont know~ coz I joined last year? ..i dnt relly knw.

- For the whole afternoon, I just sleep and watchd some movie from RC's ipod.
then when it got lowbat, I sleep..
-& my friend cla came, & went hysterical & keep annoyying me & she always do things in a weird way as an approach. =__=
- Anyway, after that we went home.

oh..btw..Ahmeee_xan.! ^_____^
thaanks for the free RUBIKS cube =)
1 quarter to go =)
Monday, January 26, 2009
1:42 PM
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-ahem..ahem..[begin] blablalablalbabla and blablablablablabla..blalablabla [/end]

Actually, Im a little bit happy bout my grades this quarter..A LITTLE...
& was shocked coz my FILIPINO subject has been down to 3 points,
I dont know what happend, I did study in Filipino--I think.
Though I failed in mastery and Quarterly..afft. that was probably the reason 0__o

oh~ I dont remember what the hell happend today =__=
waiiit... (thinking)
(still thinking)
the only thing I remembered was going to school and went home,
ahmm... that was it, & usual random conversations w/ everyone.

& I found 1 sr. on the ground today~ I was thinking to pick it up,
but my conscience told me that someone will probably need it more than me~
so I leave it, & minutes later~ my brother picked it up =___=


& bye.

I do believe in..
Sunday, January 25, 2009
9:02 AM
say something! (0)


It just so happened that I saw this general info about cancerian people (such as myself) earlier from- "I forget what"-- website somewhere.
it was so unbelievable, coz Most of it are true.. cool. :)


- That is not to say that the Cancerian is unsociable, just that for them there is a time to socialize and a time to be solitary, and this is part of the apparent contradiction in their nature.

- Interestingly - because they give the impression of being down-to-earth - they are often fascinated by the occult and are more open to psychic influence than the average.

-Outwardly they can appear formidable - thick-skinned, unemotional, uncompromising, obstinately tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd, intuitive and wise, sometimes with a philosophical profundity of thought verging on inspiration.

-they are strongly governed by childhood memories and since they live intensely in the past in memory and in the future in imagination, a chance meeting with someone for whom they had an unrequited love, even if they thought they had conquered the feeling, will easily rouse the emotion all over again.

- One of your biggest personality flaws, next to neediness, is the habit of being so self absorbed that you sometimes fail to notice what others are doing and accomplishing in their lives, you feel shut out and jealous.

-People born in this part of the year often reach very high exalted positions. In their home lives, however, they usually go through a great deal of trouble, and are seldom surrounded by happiness, no matter how successful they may appear in the eye of the world.

-They are generally gifted with strong imaginations, and it is very easy for them to become excellent artists, writers, composers, or musicians. At heart they are romantic and of a very loving and affectionate disposition.

-Once they overcome their touchiness and master their turbulent emotions, their intellect and imagination enable them to become a success in almost anything they undertake.

-People who were born in this sign are the ones to whom others turn with problems, worries and life choice concerns. Despite their ability to support and nurture their pals, it is pretty difficult for them to make friends. This may be because they take friendship seriously and don't bother to indulge superficial associations. Their affections or friendships last longest with those who are born in their own period, June 21 to July 20-27, or from October 21 to November 20-27, or from February J9 to March 20-27.


Home and Country


Aggravating situations
Being told what to do
Advice (good or bad)

sweet nothings..~
Saturday, January 24, 2009
4:13 PM
say something! (0)

I saw our window opened, and saw this night view, so there.

It's blurr/daark here, but when you saw it personally~ it's really beautiful.
I was amazed~ so I pictured it =) the CITY LIGHTS.

It's already 2:30 in the morning, I just happend to woke/wake up because of my PET SOCIETY..hehe.

Anyway, it's really very quite in our apartment, the whole apartment I mean.
Ahmp, maybe I'm not used to it coz our old apartment was like NO ONE need to sleep.
and you'll heard someone singing and you could hear the music from their indoor habitat.
I just miss it.

It's really very cold in this time of year, so cold that you want to be burned,
lol, not literally ^^''
& since I have nothing else to do, I'm gonna tell you what happend yesterday.

In our MATH CLASS...

our teacher as usual was trying to teach and to dissolve to our minds that MATH is the basic calculation of life, oh what the hell, I was too busy solving the RUBIK'S CUBE. =__=
and our teacher asked us about this and that, suddenly she looked at me, so I replied w/ the unexpected answers (correct guesses) , and I got confused about my RuBIKS cube and for some reason, I counted it, too loud. =__=
and Unintentionally I wasn't thinking that we are still in class...
I was like " 1, 2, 4,3!~..ahh" looking at the cube & the board at the same time.

I stopped. when the whole class was staring at me, & our teacher decided to laugh about my performance,our teacher were like
--> *giggles* okaay.. (wrting on the board)..hehehehe..ahh..huhuhu *giggles* <---

Just to think of it~ it was really funny.,.then 4 few reasons, the whole class was too noisy~laughing their butts out and yeeaa I did smirk a little. i laughed, then I saw Diane laughed louder, and I laughed more, Isabel laughed the loudest~ then we stopped =__=

ahmmp..I have nothing more to say~
my goal this month is to solve that annoying RUBIKS CUBE, i swear !~

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
12:21 PM
say something! (0)
I will be busy this week or I think I will be ...hehehe..
ahmmp, anyway, today is okay daaay.
and I got irritated about those Rubik's cube =__=''
wherever you turn, the haunting cube puzzles are everywhere!
and my friend Isabel was solving the cube over and over again,
so, I tried to annoy her by getting her attention to teach me how to solve it ^___^'
and unfortunately, minute by minute I became so eager to learn how to
do it, and turns out, I became interested to it. and decided to
ask Sabel about borrowing it for the weekend...

so, yea..I will be busy alright =)

still need to learn the 2 layers =__='

I really like this song =)
especially the chorus.... please have the time to listen ^___^

akala - parokya ni edgar

AND DIANE happy trip ! =) take care take care !
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
7:23 AM
say something! (0)
I reaally really feel so stupid right now and in the process of cooling off and I learned the realization of "what IF" situations.

My friend DIANE told me earlier that she'll go to Philippines for good this weekend. And that she will not be coming back.
And I ask her if she's joking and somewhere in the conversation she made it serious, and somehow I came to realization about " I DONT WANT TO LOSE one of MY bestfriends".
I went to tears after that, I couldn't stop crying. I realize that everything, everything will not be the same after out graduation, I knew, I told myself and my friends that I am excited about it, but I know I'm denying the fact that~ I will miss everything here and I want to forget it once in a while, until now.

ugh. Diane told me she'll go but she will be back, i repeat she will be back...
and I was crying for that clueless prank.
But I was so relieved at the same time, because I dont want--anyone to go-..
not yet anyway, I dont even know if I'll be ready for it.
And she craves for that jello from my PET SOCIETY so I gave it to her just to make her promise me that it was just a joke...

and yeaa it was.. =___='' and she made me cry because of it.
but eventually she returned it back to me, guilty bah?..haha..anywez.

I came w/ phases of realization that i love my friends so much as in so much that i couldn't find the words to describe it. I might not be the sweetest person in the group but when I have to cross the river w/ those thousand sharks, I WILL.
for their sake, I will.
I know, I have my flaws, but they never give up on me, and they took me for who I am. and they always bring out the best in me, I feel confident because of them, I dont care about the people that surrounds us when we laugh, because all I know~ their laughters matters to me,and that w/ them I feel comfortable and I could say whatever pops out in my mind,I feel so comfortable w/ them, and all that thoughts just appeared right through me, and I realize that Im so lucky to have them.

I wanted to thank them for everything from the bottom of my heart,
and to let them know that I valued them more than my life, and they are like my sisters, I'm so glad to meet all of you guys, I really do.
Thank you for everything. ^_____________^

I love you guys..
steph,imee,lorrz,diane,isabel,Tasnim,raichelle,heaven,cla,lakshmi,& emerald.

Life wouldn't be any better w/out you guys.

and Diane thanks for letting me cry, ur rude..
oh btw she gave lots of gifts in PET SOCIETY ^______^ heheehe...

Sana kahit lumipas man ang ilang daaang taon, sana wlang limutan,
magkakaibigan magpakailanman.
Hehehe :3
Friday, January 16, 2009
3:37 PM
say something! (0)
Ahmmp... 2 days ago... I was going to blog about what happend during my 3 days~~ stressful 3rd QTR. Examination, but Long story short-- I momentarily forgot my password here on blogger.
Coz, I was used to "REMEMBER ME" box thing, then one day--- our computer suddenly decided to delete all the HISTORY,cookie, password and eads, in INTERNET EXPLORER.
so, yeah i was kinda... sad =(

lol. Then, i randomly opened MOZILLA FIREFOX and oh yeaah... all my visited sites were'nt deleted, so, I could say~~ Im lucky that I have MF =) ..*grin~~sorry for not using you**

okay, enough about that. Well, for the past few days, ahmmp. Nothing strange happends.
No meteors falling around, no alien attacks, or people turning into zombie, and no one even found BENLADEN yet.
So far so good. =)

I thank Steff- my friend, for calling me and telling me about the "BLOG".
I highly appreciated it ^^'' very very kind of her. in all my friends, she's the most THOUGHTFUL one. yeah~! beat that. =)

Anyway, I've been busy lately w/ this PET SOCIETY ~~again.
coz, My generous friend DIANE gave me a JUKEBOX and a THRONE OF TERROR ^__^
so, Im over energized to visit my pet twice in one hour =)

My mom is so so so so NICE. papa God thankyou.
I love i love you i love much.

P.S. about the last entry. Im having this mood swings again.
and no, it's not about angry tantrums~~ morelikely calming and not in the mood to feel.
hehe...I know, I know, Im weird (as isabel always mention =__='' ).
But, anyhow. I gotta go already.
c yaaah...
sweet nothings
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
9:36 AM
say something! (0)
Im feeling numb again. how cynical. Im trying to be happy and this stupid
self-torture always follows me around. I tend to be more cheerful due to to the fact that Im
not happy entirely, and yet, I find myself more soothing being like this.
I think I should stop watching tragic, something emotional movies~ coz it somehow affected me badly... I usually feel this agony when I am alone, I could feel the sensation trying to devour me to this depth of dullness~ and I couldn't keep up. i just couldn't.
To one moment or another, I think, and I feel randomly to people. this is the verity, that I am losing my ability to feel like normal people should~ it does bother me since I'm too indecisive about how I really feel.



- Next week will be our 3rd QUARTERLY EXAM.
and my mom decided to hide the modem for the internet, just in case
that we will study~ starting tomorrow. until NEXT WEEK.

- And I have nothing else to say.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
9:08 AM
say something! (0)
I didn't go to school today for a very reasonable reason ;))
Anyway, for these past few days, I have'nt able to stay like 2 hours long
on the computer becz my siblings were so techny! ~, whenever I use our desktop Computer they always have to lined up behind my back, trying to annoy me, and yeaah it always works~ that's why I can't chat properly coz they are like grinning for something ~ and the other day, I opened our IE and saw my blog appeared first in the IE Address! .....~~!!
Blaaah!! *sighhhh*
I really waant to fix my laptop ASAP!
Dude, what happend to people these days? an 8 years old should be playing some outdoor childish activities, or hangin w/ their psp,ps2 thing~~ but NO~ they discovered about the corrupt, disparaging,abusive thing called WWW!!!(internet) baaah!! ..Unbelievable. and I have to suffer from this dilemma ...But really this Technology is INVADING US!!!

anyway, I posted my TENKYU FOR THE GIFT entry a couple of days ago, but I accidentally deleted it >__<*! TENKYU VERY MUCH STEFF,ISAI,DIANE,BENLEY,EMERALD,REI,LAKSH,IMEE,CLA for everything, I mEAN EVERYTHING. thankyou so muccch!!.. gosh, I should be more expressive but I really am.

I've found this true story or probably not from site somewhere, but anyway~ it did crack me up.
what the hell was he thinking?. he really did do this, coz he was too broke that he stupidly intended to make it as a joke, and Idk if this is true but what the hell. this is so funny.LOL

I can't form anymore sentences.Goodbye

bybye 2008... hello 2009 =)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
9:57 PM
say something! (0)
WOW. I didn't realize this much... it's already 2009. and a year had past again. Time sure flies this fast.
Time to leave the bad memories behind and remember all the good ones.
A new year were all of us have the rights to start a new year happenings all over again.

I should say, my 2008 wasn't really that bad. or probably because I dont remember some of it ^^'' ~ but Im sure, I~ myself have all my unforgettable moments last year 2008.
I got to know more about people a lot, I have learn to be more sociable at times...hehehe..
I become more closer to my friends and know them of who they really are, and everything..
Everything, were all be memories...

and two more months to go~ before our SENIOR GRADUATION DAY.
Honestly speaking, I really can't wait coz I will be a college student soon,
and applying for part-time jobs too in the internet-cafe or in Bakeryshop is pretty exciting.
I will be in my homeland again after all these 4 years... yay!~
I am sure cannot wait...
But something in the corner~ I have this undoubtful feeling that it wont be the same again.

x. You can't go everywhere alone bcoz of many maniacs here.
x. And you have to bring your IQAMA at all times, or you'll be spending your night in jail.
x. The malls are closed for like every 4 hours or so.
x. you have to wear your abaya, and it does bug me cz my abayas have many holes in it >__<*

But for all of it, I become so attached to this land.
I meet all my friends here. and many very Unique, different indiviuals in every walks of life.

I will surely miss this country as much as I'll miss the food =)
For these past 4 years, I have secretly matured at times ...
I've learned a lot of lessons,
I failed many times, I persevered for what I want, and I saw how my life will be w/out the people that really cared for me, the people being there all the way with me.
I have learned that Life is a story, you have to write, and w/ every path of your journey,
there will be twists and turns, and there will be people who would pull you down and people who will help you stand.
I get to take a bigger step forward for my dreams and for the ones I love.
And I have More to go, more to learn.

AAAAJAAA~~~!! AJA Ja!!~~

okay.okay. I gotta stop now. coz I still have to finish all these projects, or not. =)
anyway. tomorrow school time again, YEEA! meet my friends again.
They're probably tired coz of the project and all-or gaming =)
Eh., I wish Obama visit our school and there will be no classes..ahahaa..

K. ut the crap. gotta study study :D